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LPT Symbol Turkish Verb Tenses

Gelmek -- Abilitative Mood, Simple Tense...
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The Abilitative Tenses

Abilitative Mood

Simple Tense
(Used for all/any times)

Türkce -- Yeterlik eylemi, Genis zaman
(Used for all/any times)

Simple -- Negative
(Used for all/any times)
Simple -- Interrogative
(Used for all/any times)
Simple -- Negative Interrogative
(Used for all/any times)
gelebilirim --
I can come [at all times], I am able to come, I'm in a position to come, I may come
gelemem --
I can't come [at all times], I am unable to come, I'm not in a position to come, I may not come
gelebilir miyim? --
can/may I come [at all times]? am I able to come? am I in a position to come? may/could I come?
gelemez miyim?--
can't I come [at all times]? am I unable to come? am I not in a position to come? mayn't I come?
gelebilirsin --
you can come, you're able to come, you're in a position to come, you may come
gelemezsin --
you can't come, you're unable to come, you're not in a position to come, I can/may never come, you may not come
gelebilir misin? --
can you come? are you able to come? are you in a position to come? may/could you come?
gelemez misin? --
can't you come? aren't you able to come? aren't you in a position to come? mayn't you come?
he can come, he is able to come, he's in a position to come, he may come
gelemez --
he can't come, he is unable to come, he's not in a position to come, he can/may never come, he may not come
gelebilir mi?--
can he come? is he able to come? is he in a position to come? may/could he come?
gelemez mi?--
can't he come? isn't he able to come? isn't he in a position to come? mayn't he come?
gelebiliriz --
we can come, we're able to come, we're in a position to come, we may come
gelemeyiz --
we can't come, we're unable to come, we're not in a position to come, we can/may never come, we may not come
gelebilir miyiz?--
can we come? are we able to come? are we in a position to come? may we come?
gelemez miyiz? --
can't we come? aren't we able to come? aren't we in a position to come? mayn't we come?
gelebilirsiniz --
you can come, you're able to come, you're in a position to come, you may come
gelemezsiniz --
you can't come, you're unable to come, you're not in a position to come, you can/may never come, you may not come
gelebilir misiniz?--
can you come? are you able to come? are you in a position to come? may/could you come?
gelemez misiniz? --
can't you come? aren't you able to come? aren't you in a position to come? mayn't you come?
gelebilirler --
they can come, they're able to come, they're in a position to come, they may come
gelemezler --
they can't come, they're unable to come, they're not in a position to come, they can/may never come, they may not come
gelebilirler mi? --
can they come? are they able to come? are they in a position to come? may/could they come?
gelemezler mi? --
can't they come? aren't they able to come? aren't they in a position to come? mayn't they come?
Related Examples:

Bu kitabI anlIyabilir.
She is able to understand this book.
Günde bir yumurta yiyebilirsiniz.
You can eat one egg per day.
KitaplarI açabilirsiniz.
You may open the books.
(It) could be or It's a possiblity or It's possible.
You may go.
Bir dolar gönderercek bedava bitr postere sahip olabilirsiniz.
You can obtain a free poster by sending a dollar.
Joe belki de yarin gelebilir.
Joe might come tomorrow.
Bilmiyorum, ama belki iste olabilir.
I don't know, but she might be at work.

KitaplarI açamazsInIz.
You may not (can't) open the books.
Öyle aptal ki, onunla konusamazsIn.
He's such a fool that you can't talk to him.
O Öyle yalancI ki, dediði hiçbir seye inanIlmaz.
She's such a liar that you can't believe anything she says.
Tim, denileni hiç dinlemez.
Tim never listens to what you say.
Adresi olmadIkça ona mektup yazamayIz.
We can't write to her unless we have her address.
Pencereyi açamayabilirsiniz.
You may not be able (may be unable) to open the window.
Saat yedide kalkabilir misiniz?
Can you rise (get up) at seven?
Size yardIm edebilir miyiz?
May we help you?
Içeri girebilir miyim?
May I come in?
Acaba bana yardIm edebilir misiniz?
(I wonder), could you help me?
Baska bir hava çalabilir misin?
Can you play any other tunes?
Pek anlayamadIm. Tekrarlayabilir misiniz?
I didn't quite understand that. Can you say (it) again.
KahvaltIdan önce gelemez miyim?
Can't I come before breakfast?
Kütüphaneye gidemezse, dersini çalIsamaz mI?
If he can't go to the library, is he unable to study?
Burada sigara içemez miyiz?
Can't we smoke here?
Randevusuz doktoru göremez misiniz?
Can't you see the doctor without an appointment?

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