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LPT Symbol Turkish Verb Tenses

Gelmek -- Simple (Aorist) 'Wide' Tense...
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Indicative Mood

Simple (Aorist) Wide Tense --
Denotes continuing (habitual) activity -- in the present or future time, and even the past...

Türkçe -- Genis Zaman

Simple Present (Aorist) --


Simple Present (Aorist) --


Simple Present (Aorist) -- Negative Interrogative
gelirim --
I come, I will come
gelmem --
I do not (will not) come, I never come
gelir miyim? --
do I come? will I come?
gelmez miyim? --
do I not (will I not) come?
gelirsin --
you come, you will come,
gelmezsin --
you don't (won't) come, you never come
gelir misin? --
do you come? will you come?
gelmez misin? --
don't (won't) you come?
gelir --
he comes, he will come
gelmez --
he doesn't (won't) come, he never comes
gelir mi? --
does he come? will he come?
gelmez mi? --
doesn't (won't) he come?
geliriz --
we come, we will come
gelmeyiz --
we don't (won't) come, we never come
gelir miyiz? --
do we come? will we come?
gelmez miyiz? --
don't (won't) we come?
gelirsiniz --
you come, you will come
gelmezsiniz --
you don't (won't) come, you never come
gelir misiniz? --
do you come? will you come?
gelmez misiniz? --
don't (won't) you come?
gelirler --
they come, they will come
gelmezler --
they don't (won't) come, they never come
gelirler mi? --
do they come? will they come?
gelmezler mi? --
don't (won't) they come?
Related Examples:

OnlarI genellikle sinemada görürüz.
We usually see them at the sinema.
Gül, koyu toprakta iyi yetisir.
Roses grow well in dark soil.
Benim kazandIgImdan daha çok para kazanIr.
She earns more money than I do.
Ne kadar okursan okada ögrenirsin.
The more you read, the more you learn.
Onun erkek kardeslerinden biri dondurmayI çok sever.
One of his brothers likes ice cream very much.

Perihan arkadaslarInI unutmaz.
Perihan never forgets her friends.
Su kizlar gelecek haftadan once geri dönmezler.
Those girls won't come back before next week.
Arkadaslarim ve ben hiç bir zaman asla gölü karsIdan karsIya yüzmeyiz.
My friends and I never swim across the lake.
AkIllIysalar oraya gitmezler.
If they're smart they won't go there.
AradIgImIz evi nerhirini geçer geçmez bulur muyuz, Mel?
Will we find the house we are looking for as soon as we pass the river, Mel?
Su kitaplarI anlar mI?
Does she understand those books?
Su kizlar aynI gününde dönerler mi?
Will those girls come back on the same day?
PatlIcan salatasI sever misiniz?
Do you like egg-plant salad?
Okumak için bir kitap ister misiniz?
Would you like a book to read?
Omlet nasIl yapIlIr?
How do you make an omlette (how is an omlette made)?
Sen burada mI çalIIsiyorsun?
Do you work here?
Eve erken gelmez misin? -- Won't you come home early?

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