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LPT Symbol Turkish Verb Tenses

Gelmek -- Simple Future, Intended Future...
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The Future Tenses
Indicative Mood

Simple Future and Intended Future Tense

Türkçe -- Geleck zaman

Simple Future and Intended Future -- Negative Simple Future and Intended Future-- Interrogative Simple Future and Intended Future -- Negative Interrogative
gelecegim -- I will/shall come, I am going to come gelmeyecegim -- I won't come, I'm not going to come gelecek miyim? -- will/shall I come? Am I going to come? gelmeyecek miyim? -- won't I come? aren't I going to come?
geleceksin -- you will/shall come, you are going to come gelmeyeceksin -- you won't come, you aren't going to come gelecek misin? -- will/shall you come? are you going to come? gelmeyecek misin? -- won't you come? aren't you going to come?
gelecek -- he will/shall come, he is going to come gelmeyecek -- he won't come, he isn't going to come gelecek mi? -- will/shall he come? is he going to come? gelmeyecek mi?-- won't he come? isn't he going to come?
gelecegiz -- we will/shall come, we are going to come gelmeyecegiz -- we won't come, we aren't going to come gelecek miyiz? -- will/shall we come? are we going to come? gelmeyecek miyiz? -- won't we come? aren't we going to come?
geleceksiniz -- you will/shall come, you are going to come gelmeyeceksiniz -- you won't come, you aren't going to come gelecek misiniz? -- will/shall you come? are you going to come? gelmeyecek misiniz? -- won't you come? aren't you going to come?
gelecekler -- they will/shall come, they are going to come gelmeyecekler -- they won't come, they aren't going to come gelecekler mi? -- will/shall they come? are they going to come? gelmeyecekler mi? -- won't they come? aren't they going to come?
Related Examples:

Ankaraya trenle gidecek.
She'll go to Ankara by train.
Jim gelecek dogum gününde otuz bes yasinda olacak.
Jim will be 35 on his next birthday.
YarIn saçlarImI kestirecegim.
I'm going to have my hair cut tomorrow.
Erkek kardesim gelecek hafta Viyana'ya gidecek.
My brother will go to Vienna next week.
O bir gün sana dönecek(tir).
He will come back to you one day.

Ona yeni arabam göstermeyecegim.
I won't show her my new car.
Su kuslar gelecek kIstan once geri dönmeyecekler.
Those birds won't come back before next winter.
O senin çiçeklerine herhangi bir zarar vermeyecek(tir).
It won't do any harm to your flowers.
Yagmur dinmezse o gelmeyecek.
She will not come if the rain doesn't stop.
Pencereleri açacak mIsIn?
Will you open the windows?
Su küslar aynI yere dönecekler mi?
Will the birds come back to the same place?
Sekizde otobüs duragInda olacak mIsIn?
Will you be at the bus stop at eight o'clock?
Ona gercegi söyleyecek miyim?
Shall I tell him the truth?
Sehir'ye gitmeyecekler mi?
Won't they go to the city?
YarIn Jim'in toplantIsIna gitmeyecek misin?
Won't you go to Jim's party tomorrow.
John, bu aksam baska birsey yapmayacak mI?
Won't John do anything else tonight?

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