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LPT Symbol Turkish Verb Tenses

Gelmek -- Past Dubitative, Compound
(a tense for sarcasm)

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The Indicative Mood Tenses

Indicative Mood

Past, Dubitative Compound Tense

(Note: This verb construction is hardly ever used -- except for sarcasm)

Türkce -- Bilesik Eylem ZamanlarI, Belirsiz geçmis zamanIn rivayeti

Past, Dubitative Compound -- Negative

(Note: This verb construction is hardly ever used -- except for sarcasm)

Past, Dubitative Compound -- Interrogative

(Note: This verb construction is hardly ever used -- except for sarcasm)

Past, Dubitative Compound -- Negative Interrogative

(Note: This verb construction is hardly ever used -- except for sarcasm)

gelmismisim --
it is said that* I had come
gelmemismisim --
it is said that I hadn't come
gelmismis miyim? --
had I supposedly come?
gelmemismis miyim? --
hadn't I supposedly come?
gelmismissin --
it is said that you had come
gelmemismissin --
it is said that you hadn't come
gelmismis misin? --
had you supposedly come?
gelmemismis misin? --
hadn't you supposedly come?
gelmismis --
it is said that he had come
gelmemismis --
it is said that he hadn't come
gelmismis mi?--
had he supposedly come?
gelmemismis mi?--
hadn't he supposedly come?
gelmismisiz --
it is said that we had come
gelmemismisiz --
it is said that we hadn't come
gelmismis miyiz? --
had we supposedly come?
gelmemismis miyiz? --
hadn't we supposedly come?
gelmismissiniz --
it is said that you had come
gelmemismissiniz --
it is said that you hadn't come
gelmismis misiniz? --
had you supposedly come?
gelmemismis misiniz? --
hadn't you supposedly come?
gelmislermis (gelmismisler) --
it is said that they had come
gelmemislermis (gelmemismisler) --
it is said that they hadn't come
gelmislermis mi? (gelmismisler mi?) --
had they supposedly come?
gelmemislermis mi? (gelmemismisler mi?) --
hadn't they supposedly come?
Related Example:

Q. Paul Revere dün aksam size geldi mi?
A. Bilmem, gûya gelmismis, biz evde yokmusuz. Oysaki biz bütün gece evdeydik.
Q. Did Paul Revere come to visit you last night?
A. (spoken sarcastically) I don't know, but I hear that he had supposedly come and that we reportedly weren't at home. Yet, we were at home all night.

* the phrase It is said that... may also be treated as I hear that..., I understand that..., I'm told that..., They say that..., I gather that..., It seems that..., It looks like..., Reportedly..., Apparently..., Supposedly..., Allegedly at different places in translated sentences to make the translations smoother.

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