Idioms beginning with 'A'
Idioms beginning with 'B'
Idioms beginning with 'Z'
'House favorite' idioms...
Another installment in our continuing saga --
featuring some of the world's most intriguing idiomatic expressions... Observe our humble sampling just for the Turkish idioms that begin with the letter G ![]()
Remember not to overlook the clickable links for voice recordings ![]() the sidebar entries entitled, The Rest of the Idiom Story which cover interesting 'origins' of the idioms found in the following table ... |
[Ga] [Ge] [GI] [Gi] [Gö] [Gu] [Gü] | |||
The Turkish |
Ga | |||
gagasIndan yakalamak
To catch/grab from the beak... | To have (someone) at one's mercy; to have someone by the short and curlies... |
Art niyetli orta
He finally caught his partner in his hidden intentions. |
gavura kIzIp oruç yemek |
To be angry at a Christian and to break the Ramazan fast... |
Hiç yüzünden ortaklIktan ayrIldI; gavura kIzIp oruç yedi. He separated from his partner for no good reason; he cut off his nose to spite his face. |
Ge | |||
gece silahlI gündüz külahlI |
at night with a gun, during the day with a conical hat... |
Onun ne yolda oldu |
geçti Bor'un pazarI (sür esse |
the pazar at Bor is over (drive the stupid donkey to Ni |
You missed your chance, it's too late to do anything (about it) now. |
O mal çoktan satIldI, geçti Bor'un pazarI. That merchandize was sold a long time ago, you missed your chance to buy it Click for, The Rest of the Idiom Story! |
gerek gerek gerek(se) |
Same. |
Gerek ben durayIm, gerek siz durun, gerek o dursun, isin sonu de Bu haber, gerek Washington'da gerekse Moscow'da kötü bir hava yaratmIstIr. This news has caused bad feeling in both Washington and Moscow. Simdiye kadar gerek kâfir, gerek müslüman teknelerini hep geçerdim. Up to now, whether it were a Christian ship or Muslim ship, I outran them all. Gerek ben feryat edeyim, gerek siz feryat edin, gerek o feryat etsin, hepimiz dondurma için feryat ederiz. Whether I scream or you scream or she screams, we all scream for ice cream... Click for an example in a more difficult sentence... |
Gö | |||
gönlünü almak |
To take heart... | To make up with, to please, to restore relations with... |
Pek çok de |
gönül e |
Heart amusement... | Pastime, amusement... |
O benim esim de |
Görmemisin o |
There was a son of an upstart, he pulled at [the child's] penis plucking it off. |
[That person is] without social graces, "An ignorant man, can't handle good fortune."; [he/she is] nouveau riche; "You can't take him 'nowhere' nice." |
Used as is.
görüp görece |
This, with God's mercy, he sees and he will see |
This is all he will ever get. |
OlanaklarI çok iyi de He gets the most out of situations considering the possibilities; you won't see any more. Click for, The Rest of the Idiom Story! |
göz açtIrmamak |
To not cause an eye to open... |
Oruç korsanlIk etmeye basladI. Rodos gemilerine göz açtIrmIyordu.
Ödevler, sInav hazIrlIklarI bu ay göz açtIrmIyordu. His homework and exam preparations gave him no time for anything else this month. |
Gözüm çIksIn. | May my eyes go out. | Believe me...I'm not lying to you. |
Gözüm çIksIn yalanIm varsa. ( May my eyes pop out if I'm lying. |
Gözüm seyiriyor Allah hayra (hayIra) çIkarsIn. | My eyes are twitching, but I hope to God that nothing bad is coming. | I've got this bad feeling that something will go wrong. | May be used as is... |
Gözün(üz) aydIn. | Your eyes light... | I'm happy for you!/Congratulations! (said only for a happy event that has been awaited, like the arrival of your family member back from a trip.) | Gözün aydIn, torunun olmus. Congratulations, [I hear that] you have a grandson! |
Gü | |||
Güle güle kullan/kullanIn/kullanInIz. | Use smiling smiling. | Enjoy it! (Said to someone who has recently acquired something.) |
Used as is. |
gürül gürül. |
Same. | Kitapdan gürül gürül okudu. He read from the book in a good strong voice. |